About KERN 511
Kern 511 is a free traveler information service that gives you traffic conditions, transit information and roadwork information in the Kern County area via a toll-free phone number and website. Call 511 or visit kern511.org to check real time traffic speeds, find traffic alerts, plan a trip on a bus or train, and even find a carpool or vanpool partner. 511 will help improve your commute and keep you informed about Kern County area traffic before leaving the house and while on the road.
The 511 website provides information about:
- Real Time Conditions - 511 gives you Kern area highway traffic information and highway speeds along your route and will also tell you if there is road construction, a traffic alert or an accident ahead. Incidents, accidents, road closures, lane closures, traffic speeds, and live cameras can all be viewed on the interactive map.
- Resources - 511 is your source to find a transit provider in Kern County, train information in the San Joaquin Valley, neighboring 511 websites, rideshare information, and more. Simply click on "Resources" to access information.
Call 511
You can call Kern 511 from anywhere in Kern County from a landline or a cell phone. Simple instructions will guide you to the information you need - you will be able to use your touch tone key pad or just say what you want and 511 will understand you. Information will be provided in English and Spanish.